List of Contributors
dwarf lord, watchman, watch captain, page, raven,
*About half of the Dungeon Crawl tiles*
*Allmost all the player tiles*
Alex Korol
dc/abomination*.bmp, 64x64 stairs tile, 64x64 swamp dragon
werejackal, werewolf, leocrotta, wumpus,
titanothere, baluchitherium, wererat
chickatrice, pyrolisk, vampire, vampire mage
storm giant, silver dragon scale mail, shimmering dragon scale mail
silver dragon scales, shimmering dragon scales, baby shimmering dragon
shimmering dragon, baby silver dragon, silver dragon
master mind flayer, leather cloak, magcal explosions
Haruko Numata
rope golem, leather golem, flesh golem, clay golem
stone golem, horned devil,
Lord Carnarvon, Pelias, Shaman Karnov, Hippocrates,
King Arthur, Arch Priest, Master of Thieves, Norn, Wizard of Balance,
low boots, iron shoes, high boots, combat boots, jungle boots,
hiking boots, mud boots
knight(3D), samurai(3D), barbarian(3D)
hill giant(3D), dragons(3D)
from AllegroHack (Kelly Youngblood, Paul Pliska, John Harris)
gas spore, flaming sphere, shocking sphere
warg, manes, shrieker,
water moccasin, elf zombie,human zombie,
straw golem, iron golem, wererat, shopkeeper,
guard, iguana, caveman, healer, rogue,
tourist, dart, aklys, elven bow,
orcish bow, elven cloak,
orcish cloak, opera cloak, sack,
lock pick, lamp, blindfold, towel,
leash, stethoscope, tinning kit, figurine,
cram ration, food ration, statue, alter, sink
dog, large dog, bugbear, rothe, ape, owlbear,
skeleton, Woodland-elf, Green-elf, Grey-elf,
Croesus, marilith, vrock, hezrou, nalfeshnee, Orcus,
Demogorgon, cavewoman, Elwing, dwarvish mattock,
pickaxe, Kop Lieutenant, Kop Sergeant, elf-lord
Oracle, Archon, Snake, pyton, cobra, Earendil